Fort Wayne Birth Photographer | South Bend Birth Photographer

Here is the beautiful birth of baby Henry!

Henry was due Christmas Day - YUP, that’s right - Christmas! But he decided to make us wait a little longer. I drove down to Indy for this birth - twice! The first time on January 2nd, was more like a false alarm and momma had stopped progressing and it was in her best interest to just give her space and time so her birth team just did that. Things did not start to pick up again until January 4th and at around 4 am on the 5th I got the call that it was go time! I made the drive down for the second time. They felt so bad that I had to make the drive twice but it really doesn’t phase me - it’s a part of the job and it happens sometimes. Not to mention - I love the peace and calm the drive gives me. I always feel like I have time to center myself & check my energy before entering the birth space.

I walked into the birth space this time and it was so dark. Only lit by candle light and twinkle lights. It was calm, peaceful, & beautiful. I get asked a lot about birth photography and what I do if it’s dark. This birth is a great example of how dark a birth can be and how much light changes throughout. It also showcases how I utilize both flash and natural light depending on the situation. There are times flash is absolutely necessary and other times where it’s not appropriate to use. I think the though of flash can seem off putting but it never bothers/disrupts my clients. It is used with intention and never aimed at anyone. I always bounce off of the ceiling or walls - I definitely don’t get all paparazzi with it, I promise!

Henry’s momma had anticipated delivering in the birth pool but when the time came she ended up on the floor by her bed. She did an incredible job delivering her sweet boy - she was so strong and had labored so long. But she prevailed and Henry was born at home on January 5th 12:23 pm at 9 lbs 8 oz!

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Indianapolis home birth photographer , Fort Wayne Birth Photographer, South Bend Birth Photographer