South Bend Birth Photography | The Birth of Remi

One of my favorite things about this birth is how I came to be there in the first place. I met this beautiful family when I did Maternity pictures for them on the beach of Lake Michigan. Remi’s momma and I got to talking about birth photography and she had mentioned she had a photographer lined up for her birth (which was getting so close). Working with this family just felt like working with old friends even though we had just met. We stayed in contact over the next few weeks and joked about how soon she would have the baby after the workout I made her do walking on the beach. And if you’ve been to the Dunes - you know exactly what I mean!

One day she text me as she thought labor was getting close and she told me that her birth photographer wasn’t going to be able to make it to her birth. They had a contract in place and had already paid for this service so the entire situation just felt ugly. She wanted to capture this birth so badly and asked if I would be able to come instead. I jumped at the opportunity because one, I was already totally loving this family and two, because I didn’t want someone else to ruin this beautiful experience for her. Birth is sacred and beautiful and the last thing any mother needs is to be stressed over something like this.

Birth photography is the most challenging form of photography and it is so important to make sure you hire a photography who truly values it. In the end, these are all moments you can never get back! I am just so thankful it all worked out the way it did and I know they are too.

Here is a peak at the birth of sweet little Remi! Her gender was a total surprise!